January 12, 2018

Keywords are still a factor in content

Keywords are still a factor in content, but with the Hummingbird update in 2013, the way they are used, viewed, and searched has changed dramatically. When people conduct research, they want up-to-date, accurate information. That’s why it’s important to keep content updated. Recency is becoming an increasingly important ranking factor in Google’s search algorithm and for good reason—your audiences don’t want to waste time reading dated content. After choosing a domain name, optimizing the URLs for your pages is the next SEO step. SEO for your page URLs is important because keywords in the URL are a ranking factor and short and descriptive URLs can help with link building and user interaction. Like your visitors, search engines read a URL to get a clue for the contents of the page. Every market, every vertical, even every product has a unique SEO landscape. Patience and persistence will play key roles in your success. Positive reviews are an important local SEO ranking factor that improves your business visibility on Google.

Improve engagement to improve rankings

Emphasizing fast results is what Google is all about, and your content title and description need to reflect that. Giving Google browsers the sense of speedy information will increase your CTR. Like titles, search engines typically give headings a higher priority. Clear headings that describe the content that follows make it easier for search engines to detect the major themes of your site. The well-publicised Panda and Penguin updates have had a significant (and in my view, positive) impact on the discipline of SEO. With all that said…SEO is still all about content and links. Without amazing content, you’ll never get links. And without links, you won’t crack the first page. Focus on publishing compelling, quality content that is uniquely different and more valuable than anything else out there. That usually means it’s long-form content.

It can be a great strategy to focus on long tail keywords

When you delete a page (or post) from your site, you delete one or more URLs too. That old URL, when visited, will usually return a 404 not found error. But is that what you wanted? Maybe that page should be redirected somewhere. Ensuring that your content is effective in connecting with the prospects searching for your products or services is crucial. Your web pages should be geared towards focusing on individual topics instead of individual keywords. Once upon a time, marketers focused on strategizing which keywords toplace across their web presence in order to increase their rankings in asearch engine results page (SERP). SEO in Pocklington is here. As companies adapt to a mobile-first world, they must create web experiences that are responsive and driven by rich experiences. However, without understanding or adhering to SEO best practices, content creators can inadvertently cause technical errors, duplicate content, or orphan pages. Consider dropping a link back to your main website in any other websites you may be running. Using one business platform to increase exposure for another is just a good idea, even if you don’t happen to be getting much traffic at those other websites.

Identify potential partners

Gaz Hall, a Freelance SEO Consultant from SEO Hull, commented: "Google Search Console Help Center has a set of instructions that you can follow on how to build and submit a sitemap. If you have a WordPress site, though, you can sit back and relax as a sitemap is already automatically generated and submitted to search engines for you." The total number of backlinks can often include many links from the same referring domain or multiple referring domains. It’s common for referring domains to link back to your content if it is relevant, authoritative or useful in some way to their own domain. How well written your content is and how much it brings value to the searcher is paramount to its success on Google's SERPs. SEO is a many-headed beast. From off-page elements to on-page elements, covering all aspects of SEO can easily become a Herculean task, especially when dealing with large websites. It’s important to keep in mind that if search engine traffic is your only goal, your results will probably suffer. In order to please both the search engines (who will reward you with high rankings over time) and potential customers and return visitors, you need to offer value above and beyond search engine optimization. In other words, don’t produce "thin” content that ranks and get clicks, but doesn’t provide any additional value to the search engine user.

Your site speed isn’t important

One of the first things you ’re going to need to do is to fill your site with great content and to use your keywords throughout. There’s a fine line to be walked here: you need to repeat the phrase a few times to ensure that you create that association but at the same time, you also need to make sure that you don’t overdo it and thereby appear to be spamming. Keep track of how many times your past keywords have yielded expected results. Use the right tools to track where you rank for the keywords you target. High-speed keyword research is keyword research that’s focused on quickly assessing which words are most viable to optimize website texts for. Without doing proper keyword research, your content SEO strategy could well be completely worthless. On page SEO refers to the optimization of a website’s on-page elements. This includes the way a website is structured and coded, as well as its content. As a webmaster, you have complete control over your on-page elements so putting the time into getting them right is important. A picture can be worth a thousand words, they say. Well, when it comes to online marketing, a single image can be worth a thousand links!

Is the traffic converting into leads?

I am the last one to tell a website owner that his job is to become the local SEO or usability expert. That would be unrealistic. Why should a constructor learn SEO? He should not. Your competitors may be investing more in their own SEO campaigns, outperforming you in the process. ‘Content is the King’, it is rightly said as the ranking of the website is dependent on the content of the webpage. The content should be engaging enough that it attracts the users. In fact, Search Engines penalize the websites which are not updated regularly with the current information. The webmasters should make sure that while creating a website, the content should be logical and should consists of those keywords which will help the website to be easily traceable. Since the advent of Panda and Hummingbird, LSI is becoming increasingly important in SEO as it’s used by Google to determine between ‘keyword stuffed’ articles and genuinely relevant content. Ranking potential is an assessment of where you can realistically hope to get your rankings to; if the top 5 websites have a DA of 90+ and your website is at 20, it is not realistic to think that you will be able to grab one of the top 5 spots in no time. Again this is not always the case, but tends to generally be a safe standard of procedure.

Posted by: basic0908 at 12:06 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Competitor Analysis can help you to identify links

Competitor Analysis can help you to identify links, ads and other tools which are working well on other websites. Then, if similar stuff will have equally positive results on your own website, you don’t have to go very far to find inspiration and create your own content. It won’t always work for you if it works for them, but it just might. When a search engine crawls your site, it moves slowly from one page to another by following the links on the page. As it does, it collects data about the content of your page. Development of a prioritized list of targeted search terms related to your customer base and market segment. Internal linking is the process of linking one page to another on your site. This is done in a few ways including your navigation menu, sidebar links, and links inside page content to other pages on your site. Higher rankings lead to more clicks andvisits from interested searchers, andthat search traffic is uniquely valuablebecause of its high relevancy andtimeliness -- people search when they’reinterested or ready to perform an action.

reating quality content is the surest path to sustainable web traffic

There’s a danger that duplicate content will cannibalize the keywords you want to target in search. Duplicate content can be a problem on your own site, but also with any guest posts that you submit to other websites for backlinks. Speaking from experience, I have often seen product manufacturers describe a product from their point of view. An SEO specialist should know how long content needs to be and to avoid keyword stuffing. To many users the personalization of search results is helpful and convenient, but an increasing number of users are disturbed by the extent to which the sites they encounter are being shaped by forces outside of their control. Though buying links may be a good marketing strategy, Google is on the lookout and cautions webmasters against attempting to manipulate the system.

Think long and hard before deciding to take a multi-website approach

If the content you’re producing isn’t of a high quality and isn’t useful/unique then, no matter how optimised your site is for search engines, people will simply just click away and find a more useful site Some of the pages on your website might not be linked to any other page. These are referred to as "orphaned pages,” and if a bot finds such a page, it is forced to abort the crawl since bots can only move from link to link. Make sure that your code is valid, in some instances bad code can lead to search engines not being able to properly read a page. Use the W3C validator to check your markup. SEO in Goole is here. Social signals aren’t an important part of the Google algorithm. But social shares on sites like Facebook, Twitter and Google+ may give you an indirect rankings boost. Progressive SEO means technical, analytical and traditional marketing all rolled into one.

Why do links matter?

Gaz Hall, a Freelance SEO Consultant from SEO Hull, commented: "There are more than enough SEO guides on the internet. But only a few of them can be fully applied to a multilingual website, as it needs some specific approach." The internet today is overwhelmed with tons of DIY SEO tips and tricks. What might be even worse, there are countless case studies that show how great some particular tactic worked for a single website. Including your target keyword within your page title positively correlated with higher search rankings. Good SEO means forgetting SEO and concentrating on your user then. And it also means forgetting SEO in that you are going to be trying to merge your different marketing strategies in order to create one bigger approach. It means trying to write amazing posts and share them on SEO so that you get more links and it means writing great content that keeps people on your page longer. Google has built a giant database of hundreds of trillions of webpageswhich its algorithm then analyzes and ranks. It does this by sending out scores of digital robots, or "spiders,” which visit page after page. They "click on” the links on each page to see where they lead.

Google recommends quality hosting

Google’s featured snippet is a tool through which Google interacts with searchers. The more inputs Google receives from searchers, the better becomes its understanding of what they want. Fully optimizing for user intent requires an understanding of how your potential customers buy via your inbound marketing channels. As a result, make sure that you have identified these sales funnels as they are crucial for capitalizing on optimizing your website for user intent in search. Off page SEO is a long term and time consuming process.It includes acquiring backlinks to your webpage from the authority sites, Social media and Social bookmarking. Off page factors work in the background to improve the search rankings. Ensure the number of visits and new visitors from within your target market is increasing. Measuring the number ofsearch engines that haveindexed your site is an easyway to check the websitegrowth resulting from yourSEO efforts. The more pagesindexed, the easier it is to geta ranking for more keywords.

Create better landing pages

While we all enjoy seeing the keywords rank well in the search engines, this doesn’t necessarily mean your SEO campaign is successful. The content on your site should be organized in a logical way. This is not only good for SEO, it also helps visitors on your site find other related content easily. (The longer they stay on your site, the better.) Keyword research is a critical component for search engine optimization because when used correctly it provides a road map for both the design and execution of building websites and developing content. If you are really interested in improving your SEO, a strategy needs to be formulated. An SEO expert will need to identify the services or products that drive the most revenue for your business so he can deploy an SEO strategy based on your actual business model. Every "vote” or link to your site helps determine the value of your site. However, it’s not just the sheer number of links your website gets.

Posted by: basic0908 at 12:06 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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The two types of backlinks,

There are two types of backlinks, and they are internal backlinks and external backlinks. The three main pillars of Search Engine Optimization; content, links and site architecture will remain for years to come. How do your competitors rank? Pick out a keywordfor which you want to optimize your site. Checkout the top 20 search results: Are your competitorssomewhere in there? What is your ranking for thiskeyword? This information should help you to find agood niche for you and your keywords, where yourcompetitors are not operating. It may also be thatyou find keywords for which it is worth joining thecompetition. Although SEO is just part of the online marketing mix, it’s instrumental in boosting traffic to your online business. After all, most online shoppers start the buying process by using a search engine. If you are really interested in improving your SEO, a strategy needs to be formulated. An SEO expert will need to identify the services or products that drive the most revenue for your business so he can deploy an SEO strategy based on your actual business model.

Why does backlink indexing matter?

Poor spelling has always had the potential to be a negative ranking factor in Google if the word that is incorrect on the page is unique on the page and of critical importance to the search query. To many users the personalization of search results is helpful and convenient, but an increasing number of users are disturbed by the extent to which the sites they encounter are being shaped by forces outside of their control. The initial purpose of search engines counting the quantity and qualityof links linking back to any webpage was to ensure that only those pagesproviding valuable and trustworthy content to their users would be rankedhigher than less credible resources in search results pages. Company blogs have been proven again and again to do wonders for businesses. Among other things, having a company blog will improve your SEO and allows you to become seen as an expert in your field. If you are not a regular monitor of your blogs, it’s better to make all your comments a no follow, or else you might breach Google’s terms of service.

Easy to read and digest

Choosing a perfect focus keyword is not an exact science. You should aim for a combination of words that are used by a search audience. Aim for a focus keyword that is relatively high on volume and aim for one that will fit your audience. If your online business isn’t taking advantage of all that SEO solutions offer, you’re bound to fall short of the competition. As an owner or stakeholder in a website, you must take the time to discover content, evaluate that content, and implement a link to it on a webpage. The truth is that links are still the most important component of the search algorithm. No matter how useful its content may be, a site without links is far less likely to rank highly in organic search results. Search engines constantly tweak their algorithms to try to balance relevancy algorithms based on topical authority and overall authority across the entire web. Sites may be considered topical authorities or general authorities.

SEO can help you with your offline sales

Gaz Hall, a Freelance SEO Consultant from SEO Hull, commented: "Search engines reward sites that are user friendly, which means they have high usability. Google favors sites that are not only rich in keywords, but also demonstrate user engagement." When it comes to out-competing competitor pages, you are going to have to look at what the top competing page is doing when it comes to main content text. Chances are – they have some unique text on the page SEO moves fast. It’s an ever-changing discipline where what worked six months ago, might be completely out of date. However, there are some fundamentals that stay more or less the same. Take a look at which sites are currently winning the front page for the phrase you are hoping to win. Then, go ahead and link to a few of them within your own content. It can be within the body of the text, or you can include a few links at the bottom with a "More on This Subject” type of call to action (CTA). It may seem like this could lead eyes to a direct competitor, but don’t be afraid to break the mold and link to them anyway. Remember that your success in SEO is directly proportional to the amount of effort you exert.

Shift the focus from only SEO to provide a better user experience

Chances are, there are a number of sites that cover topic areas similar to yours. Opening upcommunication with these sites is usually beneficial. Hot topics in your niche or community couldspark additional ideas for content or building a good community resource. To be sure, stealing and republishing someone else’s content without their permission is a terrible practice, and doing this frequently is an obvious sign of a spammy, low-quality website. On page SEO of course refers to all the strategies that you can use within your pages to get Google interested in your site. This begins with content – and it begins with having a stronger understanding of the subtle changes Google has gone through in recent times. Analytics tools such as Google Analytics, GoogleSearch Console, Ryte and HubSpot enable youto examine many important details about yourwebsite and its usage. For example, the HubSpottool can identify which organic keywords arealready driving traffic to your website. The sameis true of Google Search Console, which is free.These keywords create a good base of corekeywords and give you a list of keywords thatyou can use to measure the performance of yourfuture SEO efforts. While there are a ton of great SEO companies out there providing valuable work and helping companies to reach new heights in terms of their exposure and profits, the unfortunate fact of the matter is that there are probably more not so great SEO companies.

Relevance is the key issue

Essentially, the higher CTR you have, and the more user experience your site receives, the higher the Google rankings. Progressive SEO means technical, analytical and traditional marketing all rolled into one. Making your content easy to read and understand helps make it useful to your readers. Some experts also believe that Google takes readability into account when ranking webpages. The website should be easy to go around or navigate and not confuse the visitors. It should lead the user to what it’s searching for with as few clicks as possible. Making it user friendly also makes it SEO friendly. Keywords should appear in important on-page elements like the page title, heading, image alt text, and naturally throughout the page copy, but you should still be sure to craft each of these items for humans, not search engines

Posted by: basic0908 at 11:45 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Analyze your backlinks

A website redesign presents the perfect opportunity for you to analyze your backlinks and remove the shady ones. If you use Google Webmaster Tools, you’ll see a "manualpenalty” appear if Google detects one of these low-quality links. You’ll then have theoption to make such links "no follows” so Google stops paying attention to them. Search engines like Google can tell the difference between links set up to improve search engine rankings and those that are from trusted, relevant sources. Ensure that you do not optimize your text byjust adding the keyword to your text as much aspossible. Instead, try to base the content on the termfrequency of the top 10 sites in the SERPs SEO, that is ethical and organic, takes serious time. Anyone that claims otherwise is just looking to take your money and run. Voice search is picking up steam. You can now use your voice to search the web, play music, navigate home, order sushi or get the latest football results.

Make sure you're being indexed

There are a number of ways to get relative monthly search volume, but what remains the easiest is using Google keyword planner (the replacement for the now deprecated keyword tool). Links at the top of a page carry more weight than those further down. As other search engines become the default Web browsers instead of Google, it makes sense to optimize for those search engines as well. The SEO benefits of social media, in my opinion, should be seen as the by-product of a strong social media strategy, not the core objective. In turn, SEO’s need to understand the wider role social media plays in connecting with an audience at each stage of the buying journey. Try to vary the lengths of your posts a little. This again looks more natural and suggests to Google that you’re not following a strict ‘formula’ of any kind!

Page load time

One task the search engines face is judging the value of content. Although evaluating how the community responds to a piece of content using link analysis is part of the process, the search engines can also draw some conclusions based on what they see on the page. Google Analytics will be able to tell you where those converting visitors came from. And specifically, you’ll be able to see if someone who used your search term eventually ended up buying your product. At the end of the day, Google makes decisions based on the number of links pointing to your pages and the circumstances surrounding such links. What is SEO?Your page title should be naturally descriptive and contain the right keywords. Most SEOs place this near the top in terms of ranking power. It's also important to ensure the title is catchy because this tag is what Google often shows in the search results. This means make it click-worthy! And the fact is all of your copy needs to be buttoned up. You need a lot of keywords that are worked in naturally without keyword stuffing. Write unique descriptions for every page of your website. In case you don’t know, each single page of your site stands on its own merits. Your website as a whole does not get ranked on Google.

SEO + design = greatness

Gaz Hall, a Freelance SEO Consultant from SEO Hull, commented: "Don ’t keyword stuff – write naturally using synonyms, relevant terms and lots of nouns Build a brand and focus on consistent quality." Scan through your website and make a list of all the relatable keywords.Then, make a list of all the potential keywords keeping your niche in mind. If you are already clear with your business/product/service offerings, then keyword selection is all the more easy. Keyword-based titles help establish page theme and direction for your keywords. Research other business websites and encourage them to link to your site. Joint ventures are a good way to exchange links and benefit each other’s business as well. If you don’t want to spend any money on a keyword tool, you can simply google the keyword you want to rank for. Does your site ‘fit in’ with the results Google shows you? Or are the sites on the results pages much larger or more well-established than your website?

Mobile Search Implications

When selecting keywords, you should also keep the purposeof your website in mind. Opt for transactional keywords ifthe main intention is sales, or informational keywords if yourwebsite aims to provide readers with important information. Your website is one of your most important pieces of digital equity, and one of the fundamental components of a successful local marketing stack. If your meta description is a duplicate, the user experience in Google will be less. Although page titles might vary, all pages seem the same as all descriptions are equal. To many users the personalization of search results is helpful and convenient, but an increasing number of users are disturbed by the extent to which the sites they encounter are being shaped by forces outside of their control. When it comes to long-term SEO strategies, there are so many tactics to consider.

Online marketing is not a monarchy

Make sure all the links are no follow if you are being paid by a third party to publish a post on your blog. The backlinks which are paid are punished by Google. It applies for both, the page giving it and the one receiving it. Adding links and information to a forum signature, for example, is a good way to quickly spread awareness about your website, especially if you post often on a specific forum. Google will follow your links, the post and pages that have the most internal links will be most likely to rank high in the search engines. Social media platforms have all but taken over, and when it comes to SEO, they are a huge part of the strategy for any campaign. One of the most frequently asked questions by fellow SEO consultants probably is: "What online marketing tools do you use?”

Posted by: basic0908 at 11:44 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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It is better to create a content that is user-friendly

It is better to create a content that is user-friendly than exhaustive. Content should be easy and simple to read. If your website or webpage suddenly or gradually changes focus over time (say from a carpentry guide to a best practice SEO guide – sounds unlikely, but you never know), then anchor text pointing to you will likely change in line with the different topic. Google may then decide that your page has changed so much that the old anchor text is no longer fresh and devalue those older links. If you once had a thousand different links all coming from low quality websites, then this could now actually stand to hurt your SEO as it will just look like link spam. If you’ve been guilty of using these old practices, then you might consider using Google’s Link Disavow tool. Keywords are still a factor in content, but with the Hummingbird update in 2013, the way they are used, viewed, and searched has changed dramatically. Before you publish, please proofread! Google doesn’t like spelling or grammar errors. Oh and don’t try to hide your keywords by, for example, placing them behind images because Google is much smarter than that.

How should I take care of this?

Arguably, one of the most crucial aspects of on-page SEO is tags. Whether it’s title tags, header tags, meta tags or blog post tags, they have been demonstrated to increase traffic and boost engagement. Mobile-first. It’s coming. And I still feel that a responsive website, in addition to all the AMP and so, is essential. We’ve all been frustrated by sites that load slowly, or won’t load at all, on slower data connections. Sites that load quickly help build positive digital engagement with your business, and there’s some evidence to suggest that both load time and engagement with your content improve your rankings. At the heart of it, keyword clustering is what it sounds like: you are taking relevant keywords and clustering them together into groups. The days of hiring freelancers to create hundreds of small keyword-stuffed articles are over.

Set Up Alerts For Brand Mentions

PageSpeed Insights is a powerful tool to analyze the performance of your mobile site. It’s easy to use and gives you loads of insights into the loading speed of your site. Put in your URL and Insights will give you two scores: one for mobile and one for the desktop. Share your good posts. Educate those in your circle. Solve their problem and encourage them to leave a comment on your campaign. An HTML sitemap (as opposed to an XML sitemap) is often mentioned as being useful for SEO. They certainly are if you use them wisely (and especially Bing seems to like them at times), but I like them even more for the fact that users like them a lot. What is SEO? Make sure at least one image file name includes your target keyword and that your target keyword is part of your image Alt Text. Many blogging software packages automatically nofollow usercomments, but those that don't can most likely be manually edited todo this.

Why Do SEOs Use Keyword Phrases?

Gaz Hall, a Freelance SEO Consultant from SEO Hull, commented: "Content marketing has always been crucial but it is no longer enough to research several industry keywords, place them on your blog and rely on affiliate network to post links back to your site." Most SEO’s (and dare i say internet marketers) fall victim to optimizing too heavily for traffic, and not conversion. There is no minimum amount of words or text to rank in Google. In establishing domain names, you may come across articles, which may suggest not to make use of hyphens on them. You should become aware though that using hyphens on your domain name is not a bad practice. However, you should know that most people these days, are not used to typing domain names on their browsers that come with hyphens. Browser caching is about how a browser remembers / stores your website for faster visiting the next time you come to that website.

The importance of domain name selection for SEO

There are more than enough SEO guides on the internet. But only a few of them can be fully applied to a multilingual website, as it needs some specific approach. Google’s web indexing system favors recently updated content, especially for time-sensitive searches. All too often, when we’re brought in for SEO work on a redesign,it’s often late in the process, such as when the site is beingcoded or even totally complete. "Hey, we should probablyhave the SEO guy take a look at this before we launch,” but bythen, it’s too late. It is important to remember though that organic link building does not happen overnight. You have to build a perceptive strategy to generate the highest quality of content and then promote it amongst the influencers of your market to gain organic links. While it’s easy to find "experts” you may want to reach out to, it’s important to remember that not everyone responds positively to such requests.

How are you supposed to do it?

In order to please both the search engines (who will reward you with high rankings over time) and potential customers and return visitors, you need to offer value above and beyond search engine optimization. Paidlinks are links garnered in exchangefor payment. They can come from anetwork of link buyers and sellers, anda network usually consists of a group oflow-quality sites that collectively link to aspecific website in an effort to increaseit’s authority in SERPs. Other times, theremay be a reciprocal linking program, where a group of websites link toone another. Webpages with their target keyword in their URL tend to rank higher in Google than those that didn’t. As opposed to general web directories, niche specific directories only accept sites that meet a certain topic criteria. For example, one directory might only accept sites about arts & crafts. Some of these directories are free, while others are paid. Paid links are like paying someone to be your wingman to impress a girlrather than having a genuine friend by your side who can vouch for howgreat you really are!

Posted by: basic0908 at 11:21 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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